Understanding current world problems with an ethical foundation on how to solve them.
A diagram of the fourfold evolution of cultural storytelling.
A diagram of intent listening and levels of social intuition.
A cone that represents a whirlpool of mental contents that concentrate to a point of knowing.
A diagram of deepening effects and recurring learning patterns for deeper understanding of a topic.
A diagram of dialogical education between student-teachers and teacher-students.
A diagram encircling basic human needs.
A representation of the wheel of life with inner objectives of human development against worldly conditions.
A representation of the analysis of decision making.
A diagram of a rear view mirror with fixated eyes overlooking an immediately obscured point of view.
A zombie transmitting a mind virus that compels its user towards violence, poverty, exclusion, and undeath.
A diagram of dualism.
A diagram discerning the content and emptiness of experience.
A diagram of causation from ignorance to recognition.
A diagram of the process of an de-ideologized reality.
A representation of the Tesseract corresponding to theories of knowledge and being.
A picture of positive vibrations influencing human potential and growth.