An insight into the conditional state of being produced by incredibly sick societies.
A diagram of the splitting of consciousness towards a dualistic perspective, domineered by ethnocentric capital interests.
A diagram of the hidden value of oppression perverting sensory responses and external reaction formation.
A diagram of the insight distortion of objectifying external threats.
A diagram of the obfuscation of domination enacted on victims.
A diagram between the relationship of cultural dysregulation over time begets the worst people you can imagine.
A diagram of psychosocial trauma experienced over time from the perspective of a child.
A diagram of the entrapment of superiority by the elites in a culture being reproduced from childhood.
A diagram of the most common tactic deployed by emotional and psychological abusers.
A diagram of the web of entrapment enabled by State governments.
A diagram of existential resistance from violent occupation.
A diagram of colonial violence.
A diagram of deception for conquest.